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To Credit or Not to Credit

Bad Credit, high-interest rates, and late fees. Scary, right? I get it…

So why use a credit card?

Credit cards are revolving credit, meaning there is a maximum limit on your card, set by the bank that you can use and pay off on a daily basis. In theory, the money in your checking is the maximum amount of money you can utilize. Once is gone is gone, unless your bank charges you an overdraft fee if a transaction goes through- but hey- there is no interest. So why the risky choice of credit over debit?

Several reasons, credit cards are safer, they give you back money (in points or discounts), and they help you build your credit.


Money Back/ Benefits

Building credit

Do’s Don’ts
Pay your credit card balance in full every month Make late credit card payments or none
Pay your credit card bills on time, use autopay or a calendar reminder Pay only the minimum payment (interest is NOT your friend) –> this negates the rewards the card is giving you
Apply for only credit cards that are needed Spend money that you do not have or have not budgeted for
Utilize push notifications for purchases or look over your statement each cycle Exceed your card’s credit limit
Only utilize up to 30% of your credit Ignore your credit card –> it’s not free money
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